​Quality custom & restoration sheet metal work & repair

The welds were ground smooth & clean all they will need after installation is some epoxy prime to look factory.​​

​First step is bend up some 90's on my Baileigh Magnetic Brake

​After trimming for a butt weld fit they are tacked then fully tig welded together.

For this series I make the lower trunk drip gutter.

Type your paragraph here.

These simple looking parts have a lot of shape in them.

​I have a great passion for 1936 Ford Roadsters & I make repair panels for 1935 & 1936 body's out of 19 gauge steel.

Next for the bottom piece I had to turn a flanged edge to fit the inside of the body radius tricky bend actually

​Checking the 3 pieces for fit.

​I have built several sets of these & shipped them all over the USA. If you need these or any of the rest of the  gutter channel for 1935 or 1936 Ford coupe, roadster, cabriolet or club cabriolet please feel free to call me to get current pricing.

​Now to start the inner piece.

​Back to the Baileigh shrinker stretcher to form the corners.

​There is quite a bit of a consistent  arc in this piece

The 2 pieces are clammed together & marked for trimming.

​This section was also formed using the Baileigh Shrinker Stretcher.

​The corner drip tubes were added also.

​Notice the folded over lip.

 The installer will have to trim the ends to fit  I make them a little long on purpose.

​1936  & 1935 Ford Sheet Metal Parts

Just like the lower piece the corners were marked, trimmed, tacked & fully tig welded together.​

This page will be added to with further  additions as parts are made so check back. If you are interested in a all new hand formed Steel 1935 or 1936 Ford Roadster Body please feel free to call me to get current pricing.

​The pieces all fit the body contours dead nuts on.

​Using the Baileigh MSS-16F shrinker stretcher I form the first part of the rear chanel to match an original  Ford body