​Quality custom & restoration sheet metal work & repair

​For wagons you have to use ElCamino quarter panels then do so rework to fit & look correct, the gas filler hole is in different spots & some other tweaking will need to be done.

​The window channel welds ground smooth .

​Now this looks & fits a whole lot better.

​The old pinhole piece cut out & the new hand formed piece fit in place fitting like it was made for it.

​Re installed the outer tub section removed earlier.

​Lower front wheel tub is repaired  with just a little clean up left.

​Final fit for the outer skin every thing lines up well.

​While finishing up the hammer, dolly & shrink disk work on the right side its time to access the left side rust out.

​The back pillar repaired & fully tig welded

​Time to weld the inner gas tank support panel the rust preventative paint plus under coat .

​Time to get some stuff out of the way.

​Checking for fit looking good.

​A new piece was formed to fit.

​Even though it wont be seen it still has to look good we take pride in the work we do.

​The inside of the quarter was painted with rust preventative paint & under coated.

​The owner had some one else start the project but it was headed to be a disaster as you will see in the first batch of pictures

​At least this part of the quarter is getting close to being ready to fit but more rework is still ahead.

​The rear inner section under the taillight need some work.

​Fitment  of the replacement tub section.

​This piece was quite tricky to make it has a double reverse curve & a flange for the wheel lip.

​After it was temporarily attached to the inner panel it was chacked for fit to the outer skin then welded together

​Tig welding the replacement section in.

1972 Chevelle Station Wagon

​Rear quarters & other repairs. 

​The second section being formed for the tire well.

​Now watch as we takes a potential disaster project into a nice clean rebuild no its not going to be a show car  or a high end build just a nice driver quality rebuild.

​Now the door jam lower patch is welded in.

​All the welds were ground smooth & clean, this channel is good for another 40 plus years.

​The scrap pieced together tire well was removed

​Some aggressive over cutting while removing the old quarter.

​2 new straps were made for the fuel tank.

​The new inner lip is checked for fit to the outer skin.

​Back to the door pillar the inner wheel lip was added & the bottom part of the flange

​The inner panel will need some repairs.

A new repair section was made for under where the taillight goes.​

​That's it for this one the customer has all nice bolt on replacement sheet metal which he will do we are done down the road it goes.

​The quarter panels are El Camino the previous builder was going to use the quarter scraps to build the missing spare tire well, pure junk work.

​Pattern transferred to the sheet stock.

​Lots of time consuming tig welding plus hammer & dolly work to keep the panel fairly straight & in the correct shape. Again mid panel patches like this are not easy to do unless you want a bondo sculpture. 

​Now an inner flange had to be made.

​Its Hammer , dolly  and shrink disc time

​Overall fitment is looking good.

​The old tire well

​Plug weld holes were put in then the back side was coated with rust preventative paint

​Replacing rear quarter panels is about as tough as it gets as there is very little room to work the metal. This was not an easy job.

​Pattern made up for the inner section.

​The left rear window channel needs some attention.

​A new pillar section will be need to be made.

​Now for the long lower channel

​The brace was derusted.

​After welding in the new section it was painted with rust preventative paint.

​The inner wheel lip had to be made for the inner panel following the wheel arch & the bottom fender line.

​The front section was also made & fully welded.

​This has been an on and off project its now time to finish it up.

​Then painted with rust preventative paint.

​Rust preventative painted before the inner tub section goes back in.

The back part of the inner fender needed a new piece made.

​The right lower window channel was rusted thru so a new one was bent up.

​Welding it up.

​The old very rusted section was cut out.

​It was faster & easer to make the rear pillar in 2 pieces..

​Test fitting getting ready for the final trimming.

​A new section for the pillar was made.

​Its cleaning up nice.

​Big gaposus this was headed to be  a mess

​The flange welded in place.

​It's finally time to do the final install & start tacking up the quarter. This was not an easy peasy just put a quarter panel on lots & lots of hand fab & rework to make things fit & look good.

​The old rusted metal was removed along with the bottom 4 inches of the rear pillar.

​A new section for the tire well was formed.

​All welded up & fit for the last time.

​A quite tricky part to make. 

​After tacking in place it was then fully welded all tig.

​The second section fits like it is saposed to the spare tire well is starting to take shape.

​Looking like a mess.

​A new section for the inner brace support was made & welded in.

​The new replacement hand formed panel almost done

​The El Camino quarter has several subtle differences then the station wagon so a lower lip had to be created to work & fit.

​The lower window channel will be replaced just as the right side was.

​My shrinker stretcher was used to put in the slight upward bend

​Welded & ground clean

​Another small patch had to be mad so the main quarter patch will line up correctly