Quality custom & restoration sheet metal work & repair
Lots of hammer, dolly and shrink disc work to straighten out the years of damage it was a work truck what do you expect.
The new pods all welded up & ground smooth
A little thumb nail shrinking action
I re set & aligned the pods so they were even & square from where the owner had them then started a little sculpturing.
1941 Ford COE Front Fenders Custom Headlight Conversion & General Damage Repair.
Tig welded then the welds ground smooth then good old hammer & dolly shrink disc clean up.
Paper template for making the new lower front section.
First piece fabbed up for each side.
The finished truck.
I also need to bring the bottom up where they bolt to the running boards 1 3/4 inches. This thing will be low to the ground.
Tape pattern time.
Clecoed into place & ready for marking the cutout.
More pieces being fabbed & tacked or welded into place there starting to look nice. I made a hammer form for the front where the head lights bolt on to be flush with the chrome trim ring.
Now for the fun part the head light pods
You didn't really think I was just going to weld them on top of the old sheet metal.
They are starting to take shape, some tricky curved shapes here.
The owner sent me these 2 pictures with the fenders mounted to the cab it will be low with a cleaner look for the front.
Then some rattle can silver to make look like steel sent pictures to the owner for approval.
The owner brought me his pair of 1941 COE fenders with 1937 car head light pods tacked on and said I want them straight & looking nice.
Then some power smoothing.
New lower sections fit & ready for welding.
The running board mount area moved up now to straighten the mess.